Key Performance Indicators

Our Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) help the Board and executive management team assess performance against our refreshed strategy laid out in July 2023.




(1) Following an update to our Climate Transition Plan we accelerated our net zero goal which was previously focused on achieving a 40% reduction in emissions by the end of 2034 and net zero by 2045. The goal measures Scope 1 (direct) and 2 (indirect) GHG emissions based on operator boundary. Comprises emissions from all operated assets and activities including the shipping of Liquefied Natural Gas alongside the Spirit Energy assets in the UK and the Netherlands. Non-operated nuclear emissions are excluded. Target is normalised to reflect acquisitions and divestments in line with changes in Group structure against a 2019 base year of 2,120,446mtCO2e. It’s also aligned to the Paris Agreement and based on science to limit global warming, corresponding to a well below 2°C pathway initially and 1.5°C by 2040.

(2) Measured independently,through individual questionnaires, the customer’s willingness to recommend British Gas following a gas engineer visit.

(3) Includes British Gas Energy, British Gas Services & Solutions and Bord Gáis Energy households, as well as business customer sites in British Gas Energy and Centrica Business Solutions. 

(4) Engagement is based on an average score out of 10 and measures how colleagues feel about the Comp