British Gas to help small charities through recession

British Gas announces new initiative ‘Charity Energy Contract' designed to help reduce the energy bills of small charities in response to the economic climate

British Gas has been listening to its existing small charity customers, many of whom are struggling with the long term effects of the economic climate. Through this ‘not for profit' initiative it has committed to ensuring that small charity organisations are able to continue to deliver essential services and support to local communities across the UK.

Through the ‘Charity Energy Contract', British Gas will commit to reduced energy bills for small charity organisations for two years by not making any profit. In addition, to help with long term cost reductions the contract also includes a free OWL electricity monitor, which allows customers to see in real time how much energy is being used and makes it easier to make instant changes to cut costs. Also included is a unique online assessment tool - the Energy Saver's Report - which provides a detailed summary of an organisation's current energy usage and a customised action plan outlining how to reduce consumption and save money.

Charities can find out more about this product by visiting or calling 0845 076 3784.