Centrica's 2014 Corporate Responsibility Performance
We believe that being a responsible business is about operating in a way that is mutually beneficial for society. Wherever we work in the world, we are committed to managing our social and environmental impacts effectively while maximising the positive contribution we can make.
We do this by focussing on helping our customers, supporting our people and communities while delivering reliable and competitive future energy supplies and services, in a safe and responsible way.
We are delighted to share our 2014 corporate responsibility performance with you and demonstrate what this means to us in practice
We’ve taken a new approach to our reporting this year, using a multi-channel approach, to ensure we communicate our progress in a way that’s engaging and works well for each of our key stakeholders. For example, you can view our digitally interactive Corporate Responsibility Performance Review to get an update on our most strategic issues, read our stories to gain greater detail on activities from across the business or track performance in our data centre.
Alternately, hear what our people themselves have to say about what being a responsible business means to them.
Here are some of my own personal highlights:
- We came joint top of the FTSE 350 and featured in the top 1% globally for our action and disclosure on climate change by CDP, a leading international NGO
- British Gas helped nearly 1.8m vulnerable households in the UK during 2014 and installed energy efficiency products which we calculate have helped save our customers over 13mtCO2e since 2010.
- Direct Energy drove an 18-wheeler mobile exhibit across North America to engage even more people on the benefits of using innovative products to give greater control and convenience over energy use.
- Centrica Energy have committed to opening two proposed UK shale gas exploration sites, in which we hold a 25% stake, for independent monitoring by the British Geological Survey.
I hope this has inspired you to read more about how we are helping people today and securing energy for tomorrow. We’d like to hear what you think not only about our performance, but how we report on it too. Tweet us with #CentricaCR or email us at responsibility@centrica.com.