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Centrica has been listed as a Top 50 Employer for Gender Equality by The Times, for our commitment to gender equality in the workplace.

The ranking includes of some of the UK’s biggest employers, recognising those that are making gender equality part of their business strategy at all levels. Gender inequality is still prevalent in many UK workplaces and can be exacerbated by times of economic disruption, such as the global covid-19 pandemic.

The criteria for inclusion in the list are wide-ranging and include having a proactive approach to stamping out inequality. Applicants were assessed on their policies, such as their approach to flexible working, support for families, pay, reward, and progression at work.

Kat Parsons, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Lead said: “I’m incredibly proud that Centrica has been recognised in the Times Top 50 for Gender Equality 2024. This achievement reflects our unwavering commitment to fostering an inclusive workplace across the entire organisation. We want everyone to have the opportunity to thrive.”

The recognition follows Centrica being named a Tier 1 employer in the CCLA Investment Management Mental Health Benchmark, which assesses the management and reporting of workplace mental health and wellbeing. Centrica was one of only six companies to hold tier 1 status.


"I’m incredibly proud that Centrica has been recognised in the Times Top 50 for Gender Equality 2024. This achievement reflects our unwavering commitment to fostering an inclusive workplace across the entire organisation. We want everyone to have the opportunity to thrive."

Kat Parsons, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Lead