We have robust processes to make sure that our business is run responsibly.
Our Governance
Our People & Planet Plan alongside our wider sustainability activities, are fully embedded in the business with strategic oversight from the Environment & Responsible Business team .
The Board has ultimate responsibility for sustainability matters and reviews strategy alongside related performance as regularly as needed throughout the year. The Safety, Environment and Sustainability Committee (SESC), supports the Board in fulfilling this duty, by reviewing related matters at the three meetings held each year, which ensures we effectively manage related risks and opportunities. Performance is regularly monitored and challenged by the Centrica Leadership Team and wider Committees too.
Our Assurance
In 2024, we engaged DNV Business Assurance Services UK Limited (DNV) to provide assurance that selected information within our responsible business disclosure met required international standards.
DNV has provided an unqualified opinion in relation to four key performance indicators for the Annual Report and Accounts 2024, which are outlined in the documents below.
- Centrica Basis Of Reporting 2024(PDF – 317kb)
- Assurance Statement 2024(PDF – 231kb)
Our Reporting
In addition to our annual reporting, we share our performance throughout the year in tailored communications, to better meet the needs of our stakeholders.
Our core responsible business reporting is delivered through our Annual Report and People & Planet Update, supported by our UNGC Communication on Progress and Data Centre. To inform our reporting, we use external indices, guidelines and frameworks which include the EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive (EUNFRD), the International Integrated Reporting Framework (IIRC), the Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). Like many companies, we’re evolving our reporting approach to be compliant with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) as well as the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSRDDD), in line with reporting timelines .
We provide additional communications for those who might need more detail on specific issues. For example, every year we complete our submission on the steps we’re taking to address climate change and water scarcity through our CDP disclosure or how we’re growing transparency on workforce issues via WDI.
We share case studies, blogs and news stories throughout the year to keep our stakeholders up to date on our progress.