We believe that the only way to deliver a Net Zero energy system is to take an integrated, whole system approach. Centrica has a role to play across the energy space. When it comes to energy, we make it, store it, move it, sell it and our engineers mend it too.

From connecting energy producers with energy buyers, to investing in the infrastructure that ensures a secure supply, and upskilling the Net Zero engineers of tomorrow - we’re energising a greener, fairer future.

An integrated approach to Net Zero

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Video: Energising a greener, fairer future

We're ramping up energy production, building world-leading energy storage facilities and moving green power to where it's needed. We're on a mission to make green technology accessible to customers and we're equipping our workforce with the skills to build, mend and maintain it.

Getting to Net Zero requires us to build a secure and sustainable energy system. Centrica is active at every step of the energy value chain.

Here are just some of the projects where we’re energising a greener, fairer future:

Leinster Solar Farms

Bord Gáis Energy has partnered with Neoen on three solar farms across Leinster bringing 58MWp of power to the grid and powering over 12,700 homes.  

Once complete, they’ll be among the first utility scale solar plants in Ireland and will add to Bord Gáis Energy’s increasing sources of renewable supply being made available to their customers.

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Glen Dimplex Smart storage heater trial

We’re working with Dublin based Glen Dimplex to install smart storage heaters, and connect them to our virtual power plant. They will work in line with renewable energy, holding onto spare green electrons when in surplus - and pausing that energy harvesting when demand threatens to outstrip supply.

We’ve also launched the British Gas Dimplex Quantum Tariff, a first-of-its-kind smart tariff for the Quantum storage heaters. This will help reduce energy wastage and create a more flexible energy supply.

Case study

Dyce battery Storage

We’ve announced plans to build a battery storage project at Dyce in Aberdeen, aimed at reducing the need to switch off wind turbines, when they threaten to overload the grid.

 Located near a connection for offshore North Sea wind farms, the Dyce Battery will store enough clean energy to power 70,000 homes for an hour - and help improve the UK’s energy security.

Case study

Net Zero Consultancy at Biomar

Centrica Business Solutions delivered a science-based pathway to Net Zero for BioMar’s Scope 1 and 2 emissions, helping them deliver it as cost effectively as possible. 

Case study

Roosecote Battery Storage

Roosecote is one of Europe’s largest battery storage facilities, with a battery capacity of 49MW. It holds enough power to meet the needs of around 50,000 homes for around half an hour. In 2003, it was modified to meet the changing demands of the energy markets.

Hydrogen Storage at Rough

Hydrogen has a key role to play in helping the UK move to alternative fuels and improving energy security.

Centrica’s Rough facility has stored gas safely for three decades - and could be transformed to store enough hydrogen to heat every home in the UK for 10 days.

Brigg Battery Storage

Centrica Business Solutions is converting the decommissioned Brigg gas-fired power station into a battery storage facility capable of supplying the equivalent of a full day’s energy consumption for 11,000 households.

The 50MW /100MWh project will provide energy storage for the 168 wind turbines across Lincolnshire, maximising the potential of every megawatt of green electricity and providing vital resilience for the grid.

Energy Efficient homes in Wales (Nest)

British Gas has been awarded a new seven-year contract to deliver services via the Welsh Government’s Warm Homes scheme.

The scheme has been administered by British Gas since 2011 and it has helped 60,300 low-income households with a package of free home energy efficiency measures. It has also provided 210,800 households with free, impartial advice and signposting to a range of support services.

Case study

Wye Valley Hospital

The NHS has set a target to reach net zero by 2045, Centrica Business Solutions works with dozens of trusts to reduce emissions across their estates.

At Wye Valley NHS Trust we installed a network of 47 ground source heat pumps each drilled 200m into the ground.

In addition, we’ve installed:

  • 3,170 low energy lights
  • 300 rooftop solar panels
  • 1,163 pipework insulation
  • 263 metres of pipework
Case study

Midland Heart Heat Pump

Our pilot trial with Midland Heart to decarbonise social housing in Coventry saw us showcase how housing stock can be retrofitted with lower carbon energy, including air source heat pumps, Mixergy cylinder, intelligent Hive heating control, optimised solar panels, new radiators, and pipework. 

Case study

Heat Pumps in Devon

Heat Pumps will play an essential role in the UK achieving its Net Zero goals by 2050.

Through a partnership with leading eco-technology provider Daikin, British Gas has begun fitting properties in Devon with the low carbon technology to help the customer lower their emissions, before rolling the new service out nationwide.

Case study

Codford Solar Farm

Power generation is underway at Codford Solar Farm, the first newly built solar farm owned and operated by Centrica, under the company’s plans to build out a portfolio of flexible energy assets.

Made up of 33,000 panels, the project has a total capacity of 18MW and should produce 19GWh of green electricity every year, enough to power some 4,850 homes.

Case study

Net Zero Homes with St Modwen

UK homes are responsible for around 20% of carbon emissions, so decarbonising how we heat them is vital.

British Gas is partnering with St Modwen Homes to deliver the first carbon neutral houses in the UK, designed to produce more energy than they consume.

Case study

Vodafone PPA

Vodafone and Centrica have signed two major corporate Power Purchase Agreements for the output from eight solar farms in England.

The deals give Vodafone UK access to clean, high quality and affordable renewable electricity for the next ten years, offering price certainty and improved energy security. It means that around 44% of its annual energy requirement will come from UK-based renewable power sources by 2025.

Case study

Power Purchase Agreements

As we transition to a renewable led grid, Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) play a vital role in supporting the growth of sustainable energy sources.

Centrica Energy is one of the leading providers of PPAs in Europe, allowing larger businesses access to demonstrably zero-carbon power, while providing renewable developers the financial certainty they need to continue building assets without the need for public subsidies.

Case study

Spirit Energy Morcambe hub

Spirit Energy have been granted a carbon storage licence by the North Sea Transition Authority, representing a step towards our net zero vision of repurposing the North and South Morecambe gas fields for carbon capture and storage.

Case study

Whitegate power station

Europe's first-ever ammonia-fired power generation facility to be developed at Bord Gáis Energy's Whitegate power station. The use of low carbon ammonia as a clean and sustainable fuel source for power generation has the potential to provide security of supply and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Case study

Make, store, move, sell, mend

From making green energy to selling accessible green tech, we're operating at every stage of the UK energy transition.


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