Board Committees

In keeping with best practice, our Board oversees the Group’s worldwide operations through a unitary Board and five separate Committees – Audit and Risk; Nominations; Remuneration; Safety, Environment and Sustainability Committee (SESC) and Disclosure. 

The Audit and Risk Committee supports the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities in reviewing the effectiveness of the company’s financial reporting, internal controls and risk management.

Audit and Risk Committee Members


Nathan Bostock, Non-Executive Director


Carol Arrowsmith, Non-Executive Director

Philippe Boisseau, Non-Executive Director

Chanderpreet (CP) Duggal, Non-Executive Director


Centrica's Auditor, Deloitte LLP, are subject to annual reappointment by shareholders following recommendation from the Audit Committee and were first appointed by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting held in May 2017.

The role of the Remuneration Committee is to determine and make recommendations to the Board on the Company’s framework and policy for the remuneration of the Chairman of the Board, the Company’s Executive Directors and other senior executives.

Remuneration Committee Members


Carol Arrowsmith, Non-Executive Director


Heidi Mottram, Non-Executive Director

Amber Rudd, Non-Executive Director

Chanderpreet (CP) Duggal, Non-Executive Director

Jo Harlow, Senior Independent Director

Sue Whalley, Non-Executive Director

The SESC supports the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities in reviewing health and safety risks and focus on ESG issues relevant to Centrica including corporate reputation.

Safety, Environment and Sustainability Committee Members


Heidi Mottram, Non-Executive Director


Philippe Boisseau, Non-Executive Director

Nathan Bostock, Non-Executive Director

Amber Rudd, Non-Executive Director

The Disclosure Committee is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of systems and controls in respect of the management and disclosure of inside information and for ensuring that documents issued by the Company comply with applicable legal or regulatory requirements.

Disclosure Committee Members


Chris O’Shea, Group Chief Executive


Russell O’Brien, Group Chief Financial Officer

Raj Roy, Group General Counsel & Company Secretary