Board and Committee Memberships
Safety, Environment and Sustainability Committee
Relevant Skills and Experience:
Heidi brings considerable relevant strategic and operational experience acquired in her current and previous roles. Her deep understanding of the importance of customer service, delivered in complex, multi-stakeholder environments with a high public profile, is particularly pertinent to the Company at this time, as it focuses on the delivery of its customer-centric strategy.
Previous Experience:
Heidi began her career with British Rail in the mid-1980s. She held a number of roles in GNER, before joining Midland Mainline in 1999 as operations director. She was managing director of Northern Rail from 2004, and before that she was commercial director of Arriva Trains Northern and operations director of Midland Mainline Limited from 1999 to 2003. Additionally, Heidi was vice-chair of the North East Local Enterprise Partnership and Newcastle University Council and was a member of the board of The Great British Railways Transition Team.
External Appointments:
Chief executive officer of Northumbrian Water Limited and Northumbrian Water Group Limited.
Our Non-Executive Directors, through their diverse experience and skills, scrutinise the performance of management and constructively challenge and help develop our strategy. They uphold high standards of integrity and probity. They form the Audit and Risk, Nominations, Remuneration and Safety, Environment and Sustainability Committees.