Sue Whalley

Non-Executive Director

Sue joined the Board on 1 December 2023 and is a member of the Nominations Committee and the Remuneration Committee.

Sue Whalley (1)

Board and Committee Memberships


Nominations Committee

Remuneration Committee

Relevant Skills and Experience:

Sue brings a blend of experience in people and cultural transformation, and strategic, technological, and operational evolution in large, complex organisations, championing the use of innovation to improve customer service.

Previous Experience:

Prior to joining Associated British Foods plc in 2019, Sue spent 12 years at Royal Mail where she held several executive roles. She was chief executive officer of the UK post and parcels business where she led complex organisation and digital transformation to support e-commerce growth in the logistics and delivery business. Sue has extensive experience working with complex stakeholder landscapes including unions and regulators. She also has experience leading Health and Safety agendas and environmental initiatives within operations. Sue spent nearly 18 years in management consultancy working in a range of industries including retail and utilities. Sue is a graduate of University of Cambridge and holds an MBA from Harvard Business School.

External Appointments:

Chief people and performance officer at Associated British Foods plc.


Our Non-Executive Directors, through their diverse experience and skills, scrutinise the performance of management and constructively challenge and help develop our strategy. They uphold high standards of integrity and probity. They form the Audit and Risk, Nominations, Remuneration and Safety, Environment and Sustainability Committees.

Sue Whalley profile image

Sue Whalley biography